Post by: chuxuan - : Wednesday, Mar 13, 2024 | 10:37 - View count: 2301

  1. EU Certificate of non-preferential origin
  2. EU Commercial invoice
  3. EU Control of residues of veterinary medicines in animals and animal products for human consumption
  4. EU Customs Value Declaration
  5. EU Freight documents
  6. EU Health control of fishery products intended for human consumption
  7. EU Health control of fishery products not intended for human consumption
  8. EU Hygiene requirements for minimally processed fruit and vegetable products
  9. EU Labelling of fishery products
  10. EU Labelling of foodstuffs
  11. EU Packing list
  12. EU Placing foodstuffs containing contaminants on the EU market
  13. EU Proof of preferential origin for non-ROSA countries
  14. EU Proof of preferential origin, origin documentation
  15. EU regulations for imported organic products
  16. EU Requirements for marketing standards
  17. EU requirements on food irradiation
  18. EU Single Administrative Document (SAD)
  19. EU Traceability, compliance and responsibility in food and feed
  20. Freight insurance
  21. New legal documents on organic in the EU
  22. Official EU food safety control of imported products